
On the 19-th May, 1999 in the premises and by the head of Professor Mykola Prodanchuk the Ukrainian Toxicology Society was founded. Creation of Ukrainian Toxicology Society was the note of remember of famous Ukrainian Toxicologist, professor Yriy Kagan whose work and personality have contributed so much to the national science. Today Ukrainian Toxicology Society have registration in Ukrainian Ministry of Justice (Certificate #1267, dated 25th December, 1999).

The aim of the Society is to unite specialists of various fields of toxicological research, to promote the education and training, to organise national and international conferences, to create scientific contact between Ukrainian Toxicologists and their colleagues abroad.

6–7 December of 2019 with the participation of the Ukrainian Toxicology Society, L.I. Medved's Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, as well as the Federation of European Toxicologists and European Toxicology Societies (EUROTOX) will take place the International Toxicological School. You can download the Program of the International Toxicological School following this link.

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