Registrated by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine December, 25, 1999. Sertificate N 1267 |
Approved by the Constituent Conferenc of Ukrainian Toxicology Society May, 19, 1999 |
1.1. The Ukrainian Toxicology Society (hereafter - Society) is voluntary, independent, all-Ukrainian public organization, which uniting of Ukrainian citizens work. The activity of Society dedicates to increase of theoretical and professional level of workers engaged in field of toxicology and to promote the development of national toxicologycal sciense.
1.2. The Society work in accordans with Ukrainian Constitution, the Ukrainian Legislation in force and the present Statutes.
1.3. The Society is a legal entity once it has undergone state registration by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, has own property, an independent balance, sign, own symbol, bank settlement, inclusive of currency at the banks of Ukraine. The samhle of sign, stamp and symbol approve by Executive Committee. Symbol registrated in accordance with the procedure established by the law.
1.4. The Society may to estableshe ore became the members international public organizations (non-guvermental), to form international unione of organizations, to support directly international connections, to conclude a contracts for activity according to present Statute and take part in measures, which are not contradict international obligations of Ukraine and which are in accordance with aim and tasks of Society.
The Society may to form the new branches, to be founder and co-founder of orgunisations.
1.5. The activity of Ukrainian Toxicology Society extends over the territory of Ukraine.
1.6. The registered address of Executive Committee of the Society is:
03680, Kiev, Heroiv Oborony street, 6.
2.1.The aim of Society is to promote the divelopment of toxicology in Ukraine and to encourage co-operation with toxicologists, to satisfy and to protect the legal social, professional, economical and others interests and rights of its members.
2.2. The Society initiates the following actions:
— to promote the improvment of sertification, holds workshops and training cuorse for its members
— to promote the divelopment of scientific-research projects in filds of toxicology
To fulfil the tasks directly confronting the Statutes the Society in according to Ukrainian Legislation in force:
— participates in holding of scientific conferences, scientific meetings, seminars from actual toxicological problems
— protects the legal interests and rights of its members
— improves professional level of working toxicologists — its members, arranges schools for toxicologists
— establishes and develops professional, informational and others connections with statehood, public and other foundations, organizations (including international too) and with individual persons
— obtains from Goverment necessary information for fulfil the its tasks
— founds regional branches
3.1. Society has individual membership. In Society can participate collective members.
3.2. All sitizens of Ukraine may be its members if they acknowledge a Society statute and take hand in his activity. And other citizens may be its members enter, if they are backing development of toxicologycal science in Ukraine.
3.3. Admissins of individual members to Society is performed by the decision of Bord of regional Branchers on the basis of writing statement and paid entrance payment.
3.4. A public organisation ore foundation is admitted to Society Membership, if they acknowledge a Society statute, participant in his activity and pay membership payments. Interaction between collective members and Society base on agreements between them.
3.5. To became the collective member is possible after decision of collective meeting and paid entrance payment.
The collective and individual members have the equal rights. The collective members take part in Society activity, realize its rights and duties throu the its members.
3.6. Members of the Society have the following right:
— to take part in election and to be selected to leading and supervisory bodies of the Society;
— to obtane from Society all of help forms, which foreseen by his Statute;
— to submit requests and propositions to govering bodies of the Society, to call for their competent consideration;
— to obtane while information cocerning different areas of Society activity, its bodies and groups;
— to take part in all kinds of Society activities;
— to participate in other societies and unions, which activity does not conflict with Society;
— to make use of symbolism and other attributes of Society by his permision;
— to freely resing from Society Membership (without reversion of paid payments)
3.7. Members of the Society have to stick the statute requisitions, to implement decisions of conferences and other leading and supervisory bodies of Society, if its do not conflict with Statute, to promote in realization of Society aims and tasks, in time to pay member fees.
3.8. A member of the Society can be expel from Society for violation of the statute by the bodies, which allotted a reception right.
3.9. The members are expeled from Society can again enter to it on general ruls.
3.10. The decisions about reception or exclusion can be made a complaint to Coordinating Council, its decision is definitive.
4.1. The base of Society are its regional Branches set up for territorial sign according to place of teaching, work ore live. General Meeting decides to create the regional Branch, if not less than three persons of the Branch are present. In its activity the regional Branches manage this Statute and own Regulations, which set by their leading organs and approved by the local Co-ordinating Council.
The regional Branches of Society obtane the rights of juridical person after registration by local organs of state executive. The regional Branches without rights of juridical person will legalize by meanth of reporting about its founding.
The regional Branches, open abroad, realize its activity according to national legislation of that states, where they will act. In this case Society will be re-registration into international public organization with the procedure established by the law.
4.2 Society is created and operates on voluntary base, equality of rights of its members, self-government, legality and publicity. The member of Society does not be able occupy one position more than two terms.
4.3 Administration and control bodies of the Society are Conference, Co-ordinating Council, Board, Auditing commission.
4.4 A The supreme body of the Society is Conference. Conference is convened once into 4 years by the initiative of the Board, which informs members about terms and dates not later, than for two months to its opening.
4.5 Co-ordinating Council determines the voting power to Conference. Each delegate has a suffrage one.
4.6 In Conferences may participate the members of Co-ordinating Council, Board, Auditing commission and other one, that not select by as delegates, with deliberative suffrage.
4.7 Society Conference:
— approves Society Statute, brings in amendments and supplements to it;
— carries decision about reorganization and liquidation of Society;
— elects Society Head during next 4 years (but not more than on two terms) and his deputy, scientific secretary Co-ordinating Council, Board and Auditing commission;
— considers and approves reports of Board and Auditing commission;
— determines the main areas of activity, approves Society work plans;
— elects the delegates, spokesmen and observers on foreign and international congresses and conferences;
— may to impeachment to any member of elective Society bodies and to call expele him from administration of Society, may to impeachment to Head and to call his re-elections before appointed time;
— will bring proprietary to effect on property and Society funds.
4.8 The Conference decisions set by simple majority of voices in presence not less 2/3 registered delegates, which is select in regional Branches. A Conference can change in act of voting and other procedures.
4.9 An extraordinary Conference can be convoked according to decision Co-ordinating Council or according to claim not less as halves of regional Branches.
4.10 Co-ordinating Society Council is by leading bode during period between Conferences and convokes not less than once in 1 year. Members to Co-ordinating Council are elected from all of regional Branches at Conference by as term on 4 years.
Co-ordinating Council is truth, if presents 2/3 its members; the decisions set by simple majority of voices of present members.
4.11 Co-ordinating Council on its plenums:
— considers Head work and Board of Society;
— approves a work plan, budget on current year or changes to it;
— approves a budget and Society expenses estimate;
— condemns the Honourable bonuses;
— approves commissions storage on areas of activity, establishes program of next Conference;
— brings on approve of Conferences chenges and supplements to statute, prepared by Board.
4.12 Board of Society is executive body, which carry out organizational work on convocation of Conference, provides execution of Conference decisions, perspective and current plans of activity. Prepares the changes and additions to Society Statute and reports about this on Conference. Board decides financial question according to budget, realizes a reception and exclusion of collective members, creates the temporal commissions, approves quantitative storage, structure and terms of payment of Society workers. Also approves the seals standards, stamps and Society symbols, carries decision about opening of new Branches,organizations, founding, enterprises.
4.13 Board is in power if over 2\3 of its members are present at meeting. Decisions are taken by majority of votes.
4.14 The Chairman of the Board is the Head of Society and carries full responsibility for execution of Conference and Co-ordinating Council decisions, offers the deputy candidatures, Board members and secretaries, distributes the duties between members of Board, sings documents of Society and Board, carries decision about expenses of Society funds, represents Society in all instances, on behalf of Society concludes agreements, takes on hire workers, reports about work.
4.15 Conference elects Auditing commission from members of Society by on 4 years term. Auditing commission controls the observance of Statute, Conference and Board decisions, out Board activity, checks out financial-economic Society activity, its Branches. A Head of Auditing commission does not sit on Board of Society. Auditing commission realizes its activity on the base on Regulation.
4.16 When Head is absent, Vice-Head is entrusted with fulfilment of his obligations.
5.1 The Society Funds are generated from:
— voluntary and charitable payments, gifts of organizations, enterprises and founding, ukrainian and foreign citizens and juridical persons,
— receipts from enterprises, organizations and founding, which is found by Society with metter of financing of work according to Society tasks
5.2 The Society Funds are in its full power and use for execution of statute tasks, supporting of workers and for charitable aims. But Society should to make use of charitable payments of juridical and physical persons only in obedience to promoting, to conditioned by person doing this payment.
5.2.1 Society independently distributes its financial assets. A structure and using funds develops by Board and approves by Co-ordinating Council.
5.2.2 The expenses of activity Society cuvering itself.
5.3 Society can have in property the houses, buildings, housing fund, money funds, securities and other property, is necessary for material guaranteeing of statute Society activity.
5.4 Society owns property, that to it belongs. According to prevailing legislation Society has, makes use and to dispose of property, that is found in his property in obedience to aim and tasks of its statute activity.
5.5 Society lines the sums of its activity, conducts accountancy officient, and statistic reporting according to the Low.
6.1 The changes and additions to Society Statute consider and prepare by Board, Co-ordinating Council and approves by Conference with obligatory reporting one into Ukraine justice Ministry during quintan date.
7.1. Conference decides the questions about reorganization and Society liquidation. Society is able liquidated on base, which definite by legislation, on base of court decision.
7.2. The funds and other property of Society can not redistribute between his members and according to law-court decision direct into state income.