General Information


There is a long tradition of further research in experimental toxicology in Ukraine. This has been exemplified by the fact that there are active societies of toxicology in many regions of Ukraine, organising scientific meetings and conferences and publishing a lot of publications. Ukrainian toxicologists, which work in field of preventive toxicology and chemical toxicology, regular took part in most important scientific meetings organised during recent years:
  EUROTOX`95. Prague, Czech Republic.
  EUROTOX`96. Alicante, Spaine.
  EUROTOX`97. Aarhus, Denmark.
  IUTOX Training Course on Basic Toxicology, Budapest, Hungary, 1997.
  IInternational Congress of Toxicology "Chemical Safety for the 21-th Century" ICT YIII, Paris, July 5-9 1998.
  "Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety in Agriculture on the Boundary of Two Millennia" International Conference under Aegis of WHO, ILO and IAAMRH, Kyiv, Ukraine, September 8-11, 1998.

On the 19-th May, 1999 in the premises and by the head of Professor Mykola Prodanchuk the Ukrainian Toxicology Society was founded. Creation of Ukrainian Toxicology Society was the note of remember of famous Ukrainian Toxicologist, professor Yriy Kagan whose work and personality have contributed so much to the national science. Today Ukrainian Toxicology Society have registration in Ukrainian Ministry of Justice (Certificate #1267, dated 25th December, 1999).

The aim of the Society is to unite specialists of various fields of toxicological research, to promote the education and training, to organise national and international conferences, to create scientific contact between Ukrainian Toxicologists and their colleagues abroad.

Professor Mykola Produnchuk was elected as the Head of Ukrainian Toxicology Society. Board of Society composed of 12 members:

Head Professor M. Produnchuk Medved`s Institute of Ecohigiene and Toxicology (Kyiv)
Vice-Head Dr. P. Zhminko Medved`s Institute of Ecohigiene and Toxicology (Kyiv)
Scientific Secretary Dr. N. Nedopytanska Medved`s Institute of Ecohigiene and Toxicology (Kyiv)
Members: Professor Y. Kundiev Institute for occupational Нealth (Kyiv)
Professor I. Trakhtenberg Institute for occupational Нealth (Kyiv)
Dr. V. Kirsenko Institute for occupational Нealth (Kyiv)
Dr. I. Chernichenko Ukrainian Scientific Hygienic Centr (Kyiv)
Professor L. Shufran Ukrainian Institute of trafic hygiene (Odesa)
Professor N. Vasylenko Institute for occupational Нealth (Kharkiv)
Dr. L. Vlasyk Institute of medical & ecological problem (Chernivtsi)
Professor Y. Talakin Donetsk State Medical University (Donetsk)
Professor B. Shtabsky Lviv State Medical University (Lviv)


The first effort of our new-born Society we realised last year: we organised a Joint Meeting of tree Societies: Problematical Commission of Toxicology, Problematical Commission of Ecohigiene and Toxicology and Ukrainian Toxicology Society, which held in December, 1999.

Ukrainian scientific conference of young scientists “Actual problems of prophylactic medicine” (on October, 16–17);
Seminar for young scientists “Phytotoxicity and index of translocation in the hygienical estimation of risk of soil contamination of xenobiotic” (on November, 22);
Seminar (jointly from “Donau Lub Moscow) is the “Modern methods of instrumental TLC” (on April, 4);
12 seminars are on the department of hygiene and ecology of man of KMAPO the name of P.L. Shupika.

I congres convention of Ukraine toxicologies (on October, 11–13);
I international scientific conference “Toxicological, nutriciologichni, dietlogichni problems of feed” (on October, 13);
IV International exhibition “Food and life. XXI century”.

Scientific conference “Organization of toxicological help in Ukraine” (on May, 20–21);
Scientific conference “Age-old aspects of sensitiveness of organism are to xenobiotic” (on October, 24–25);
Scientific conference “Science is for milk industry” (on November, 4–5);
Seminar “Modern state and prospects of development of toxicology and hygiene of pesticides” (on Octobers, 22);
Seminar about the improvement of theoretical and practical knowledges of laboratory doctors-assistants with higher education of SES of Ukraine (jointly with the department of KMAPO)(on February, 15);
V International exhibition-fair of “Food and life. XXI century”.

Cnference of young scientists «Problems of prophylactic medicine», on April, 3–4;
II international scientific conference «Pressing questions of hygiene of food and unconcern of food products» on April, 24–25;
Scientific conference «Toxicology of poisonings and profpatology of chemical etiology: medical aspects of extraordinary situations», on May, 5–6;
. Scientific conference «questions of dezinfektology: toxicology, hygiene, epidemiology», on Mays, 22–23;
Scientific conference «questions of toxicology and hygiene of application of polymeric materials, problem of «sick habitation», on June, 16–17;
Scientific conference «questions of toxicology of wastes, hygiene of their processing, elimination, utilization», on September, 8–9;
Scientific conference «problems of toxicology and hygiene of pesticides» on Octobers, 2–3;
Scientific conference «questions of toxicology and hygiene of perfume and cosmetic facilities» on November, 20–21;
Seminar “Biotechnological food stuffs, toxicological and hygienical problems (on April, 24–25);
Seminar within of Ukrainian congres of state sanitary epidemiology services the “Modern problems of hygiene, toxicology and laboratory providing, state sanitary epidemiology to the supervision in Ukraine” (on October, 11);
Seminar “Problem of toxicological estimation of admixtures is in the operating matters of pesticides and confirmation of equivalence of new forms of preparation” (on February, 28);
Seminar “Standardization of registration processes in the countries of ES on the example of galoksifop-(r)-metul” (on March, 6);
Seminar “Monitoring and risk estimation for the health of man and contamination of environment by pesticides” (on June, 5–6).

III international scientific conference “Main questions of hygiene of feed and unconcern of food products” (on May, 13–14);
II congres of Ukraine toxicologies(on October, 12–14);
Scientific conference “Scientific bases of experimental and clinical toxicology” (on October, 13);
Scientific conference “Modern problems of toxicology and hygiene of application of pesticides (on October, 14);
Ukrainian scientific conference “Problem of diagnostics, prophylaxis and treatment of exogenous and endogenous intoxications” (on October, 16–18).

VI international scientific conference “Main problems of toxicology. Safety of vital functions of man”, devoted 100-years from the day of birth of Leo Ivan Medvedya (on Octobers, 1–3);
Scientific conference “Basic directions of development of state sanitary epidemiology services of Ukraine on 2006. hygiene and toxicology is in the system of health protection» (on December, 19)

VII International Scientific Conference “Current and Future Challenges in Environmental Health, Toxicology, and Food Safety in Eastern and Central Europe” (May 2–5)

VIII international scientific conference “Main problems of toxicology. Safety of vital functions of man” (on June, 4–9);
International conference «Khromatografichni methods of analysis of organic compounds» (100-years is devoted from the day of birth of corresponding member of academy of sciences of Ukraine, honoured worker of science, doctor of chemical sciences, professor Mykola Arkadiyovicha Izmaylova (on September, 4–7),
Participating in organization and leadthrough of international conference «Scientific bases and regulator policy in ES and Ukraine at the market of dezinfekciynikh facilities»(on November, 1–2)

Scientific conference „Age aspects of inclination of organism to harmful influence of xenobiotic” (on September, 18–19);
IX international conference “Main problems of toxicology. Safety of vital functions of man”: “Toxicological-hygienic problems of hospital hygiene of application of dezinfektantiv and antiseptics and facilities of utilization of hospital wastes” (on November, 5) and “Hygiene and toxicology of pesticides. System RICH” (on November, 6)

Seminar of “Problem of nanotoksikologii and nanobezpeki” (on Septembers, 23)

Ukrainian Toxicology Society has own Scientific Journal "Modern problem of Toxicology". Ukrainian Toxicology Society has 31 regional Toxicology Societies in different regions of Ukraine. There are Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivcy, Rivno, Kyrovograd, Zaporizhia, Donetsk, Zhitomir, Chernigiv, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Lugansk, Lutsk, Cherkasy Toxicology Societies. The membership of the Society is 300.

Adress: 6, Heroiv Oborony Street, Кyiv, 03680, ECOHYNTOX
Теl./Fax: (044) 259 76 28
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